Wednesday 27 November 2013

Professional Frameworks 3

We have been set the task to create and reflect upon our own PDP - Personal Development Plan. The objective of this is to prepare us for after the course, something which I am struggling to get my mind across is what route I want to go down after I finish university, therefore this project should help greatly.

In our first session we were given the task to concentrate on our own work and give some example's of which we were going to develop. I had some ideas in mind already whilst the tutor was explaining the process of the assignment. These development skills are based on area's of which I believe need to work on to gain a head start in my career.

We were all given a table like this:

Over the duration of the assignment we were to work on our chosen development objectives and document how we were going to obtain the objectives we set ourselves. 
Some of the immediate objectives I thought of were: 

  • Enter more competitions, allow for my name to get realised 
  • Contact a wide range of companies with the line of work i'm interested in (War photography)
  • Editing different work, such as videos and photography. Gain more experience with Photoshop and Premiere Pro 

War/Documentary photography is the kind of concept that I am interested in through my photography. Due to this assignment being based on myself, I thought it wise to show some of my work evolving around documentary considering we were asked to think about our own work and what it entails. 

I have done some documentary work based upon the elderly, homeless and an abandoned council estate over my short years at university so far. Here are a couple of photographs from each project to show you were I am currently standing with my documentary work. 




This is a vague over few of three of my university projects, it gives you a slight overview of the types of subjects I cover with my camera. As you can see they all have the same dark theme, I am not sure why I photograph in black & white all the time, but it always fits my mood and the mood of the subject. 

Many of my projects are reflective of some of the great documentary and war photographers through time, one of my personal favourite photographers being Don McCullin. It has always fascinated me how he captures raw emotion through his photographs, this is something I try and incorporate into any subject I am photographing. 

Don McCullin: 

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