Monday 2 December 2013

Stock Photography

One of our tasks for this assignment was to think about our PDP objectives and use stock photography to emphasise our objectives. I have personally never done stock photography before, so when coming to photograph my chosen objectives I didn't have much of a clue what to look for within an image. Therefore I started to research into what is considered stock photography and how I would go about using my development objectives, which were: 

  • Enter more competitions, allow for my name to get realised 
  • Contact a wide range of companies with the line of work i'm interested in (War photography)
  • Editing different work, such as videos and photography. Gain more experience with Photoshop and Premiere Pro

"Stock photography is the supply of photographs licensed for specific uses. It is used to fulfill the needs of creative assignments instead of hiring a photographer, often for a lower cost. Today, stock images can be presented in searchable online databases. They can be purchased and delivered online. Often, these photographs involve people, and are produced in studios using a wide variety of models posing as professionals, stereotypes, expressing common emotions and gesticulations, or involving pets. Other common stock photography niches include images related to travel and tourism, as well as conceptual photography" 


From researching I can see that one of the major stock photography websites are istock by getty images. Which supply a wide range of stock photo's from Animals and pets too technology. What do I gather from stock photography? Stock photography seems to be a low cost, efficient way of getting one's idea across in a simple but effective manor without the use of hiring a photographer. Most websites I have seen cater to a wide variety of different subjects and are basic, yet straight to the point photographs. 

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