Tuesday 13 May 2014

Artist Statement

Basically a statement is a 100-200 word piece of writing which acts as an introduction to your practice as a whole highlighting the common ideas, motivations and process of the work.

- It is best to write in 3rd person rather than 1st person, so that the statement can be taken without editing for press releases and other materials.
- Don't use unnecessarily technical or complicated terms to describe your work/ideas.
- Talk about the physical aspects of the work as well as the conceptual ideas.
- Be objective and clear when talking about the work rather than expressing your personal opinions about it.
- Discuss the medium you work in - does it link to the project concepts in some way?
- Is there a particular intention behind your work? Do you want it to have a particular effect on viewers?
- What social concerns or issues motivate your work?
- Don't include information about past career achievements or other biographical information.

Bulletpoints took from Artquest, which I found through research on google. 

Rhys Clarke is a British documentary photographer. His work focuses on the individual and is the voice of the middle man. He wants to create justice and to appeal to those who can make a change. Rhys' work is not just art but a creation of what is happening around him, therefore a story, a story manifested through photography. 

Below are some different ideas of what people say in there own personal statements, of which I have been researching and gathering ideas from: 

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