Tuesday 13 May 2014

Photo Competitions

Considering one of my development skills was too enter competitions I went on the search for a site which holds events often. I came across a competition being held by The Guardian. The competition consists of different categories for each month of the year. This month being May, the competition is to photograph 'wild'. On peoples travel's they must photograph what they consider 'wild'.

"Have camera, will travel? Then Guardian Travel's annual photography competition is for you. It's an opportunity for you to capture the essence of your journeys around the world, and for us to showcase your work online and – at the end of the year – in an exhibition at Guardian HQ" 

  • February: street life
  • March: architecture
  • April: spring
  • May: wild
  • June: solitude
  • July: beach
  • August: festivals
  • September: the great outdoors
  • October: road trips
  • November: work
  • December: colour
Here are the categories for the entire year. Luckily enough 'solitude' is next month, considering I have just done an entire project on that particular category I have decided I will enter a photograph from my final major project. I cannot enter beforehand but I have considered which photograph I will use: 

I love the idea of this competition It is my intention to work on the other months. It is not only for the competition, but sites like these allow for your work to be noticed by others which is always a good thing for a photographer. 

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