Tuesday 13 May 2014

Portfolio Practice

Considering one of my new PDP targets was to create my own portfolio I decided it would be a good to create a rough digital portfolio on a website called My Carbon Made. My Carbon Made is a free to use portfolio creator, although you do not have access to all the mechanics I would like, it is a quick and easy way to share your work with others. I would not, however, use this site for my final portfolio but it gives me an idea of how a digital portfolio can look and how they present your work. It was interesting to see how your work looks within a portfolio, although I didn't add the entirety of my photographic library, only adding my final major project, it was eye opening to see how it could look.

Above shows how easy the portfolio was to make, a simple add and update scenario. Also shown is how a couple of my images look in the portfolio creator. Although not the most 'pretty' looking portfolio I have seen, it brings across my work well. 

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