Wednesday 11 December 2013

Contacting Companies (Continued)

At my current stage as a photographer, although money does sound nice too a person my age, I believe it too be more important as a growing photographer to get recognised. Therefore I have decided to start contacting different charities who are looking for a photographer. Considering my aim is to become a war photographer, Moira insisted that charities is a good place to start. As often enough it is charities who help people abroad in war and poverty stricken areas.

I started too look through the bigger charities that I know of, for example, Oxfam and Unicef. Whilst looking through the Unicef websites I thought it wise to look through the up and coming events that are taking place in the UK. This could be an opportunity to photography the event and get to know some of the workers of Unicef.

David Bull, the Executive Director of UNICEF UK, will be the host for the evening. It is taking place in London, on Monday 9 December 2013 6.30pm-7.45pm at St Paul’s Church. As you can see the event has already taken place and there are no events shown on the website for this year. However, considering we are coming up to the new year very shortly, I am sure there will be other opportunities for me to go to an event and talk to the employee's on Unicef. 

Unicef do have photo stories on their websites, I think it would be wise for me to contact the company and let them know my situation as a photographer and would be willing to help photograph an event. 

I have found an email which may be useful for me too use for a place of contact. The short paragraphs explain that is any form of media need a story from Unicef then they can receive by using the various contact details. I need too start somewhere, so I think it is best to try and make contact with the company.

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