Tuesday 10 December 2013

Layla Sailor & Anna White (Guest Speakers)

Two guest speakers came in recently do discuss there own career and give us a insight into what photography has to offer. Both women often work together on there photo shoots, being close friends for a while they bounce ideas off one another. They both had some really interesting advice to share.

Layla Sailor was born in Manchester, England in 1978, after completing a degree in photography at Manchester in 2005 she has continued to combine commercial fashion photography with fine art & filmmaking. Layla creates hyper-realistic, dreamlike works focusing on colour and styling, she is mainly inspired by russian traditional crafts, religious iconography and politics.

- http://www.laylasailor.com/272881/home 

Anna White "Originally from Suffolk, I’m a freelance photographer and facilitator who studied photography and graduated with a Masters in 2010.

I have completed a Scholarship collaborating with Bolton Museum and University, working with the wider community, creating an archive of work, documenting peoples everyday lives. As well as doing a long term project with elderly LGBT people recording their often hidden lives, as they concealed their true identity when homosexually was illegal. I also carried out workshops with different community groups, including NEETS, young offenders and refugees. In 2006 completed a long term project with the elderly that has been widely exhibited including Tate Britain" - http://www.annawhite.net/about 

- http://www.annawhite.net/

After both artists had explained there background and how they came about being a photographer they started to discuss together certain aspects of advice which would help us becoming a photographer. A part of the discussion that stood out for me was Layla explaining how photography work comes about and how often, she explained that sometime's she is left for months without constant work and it always turns out that the work appears all at once. This was rather off putting for a student in photography too hear, but I would rather be told the truth than fed lies. 
They both agreed that we should try and branch out from photography, practicing in video might be the edge you need over other contestants of the job. It gives you a wider opportunity for work also. 
Another piece of useful advice was too always be prepared too make mistakes whilst on a photo shoot, they explained that something will always go wrong but you have to control your subjects and don't be shy too ask them for a reshoot. This also counts for equipment, they explained that equipment may not always work the way to want it too, so be prepared to learn quickly and be innovative on the job. 

I learnt a lot from the talk from both Layla and Anna, It is interesting too hear the truth about my chosen career choice from professionals. I would like to add that I admire both of their work, although both having a massive contrast I can understand fully the concept of there ideas through their images. 

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