Wednesday 11 December 2013

Reflections on current PDP

I chose my current three developments because I feel that it is something lacking from my overall performance as a photographer at this moment in time. I chose developments which are suitable for an on-going period of time, meaning I should never really stop, entering competitions/contacting companies for work. We have had a few guest speakers come in over the duration of this assignment and they have all had one thing too say in common, which is, photographers struggling too find work in the current climate. This was quite worrying for a student photographer too hear, therefore I dedicated two of my developments to never stop looking for work, even if that is competitions. This will give me a good frame of mind when leaving University and will hopefully encourage me to continue it upon departure. 
My third development (editing) was a skill I rarely use within my own photography as I think it is vital too let people see a photograph how it is taken to provide raw emotion. However, I understand that Photoshop is a massive part of photography now and various employers/companies may be looking for editing skills when offering jobs. Therefore I have tried to accommodate that within my developments, learning Photoshop will hopefully give me an advantage over other possible candidates. 

 I do believe these are developments which are easily achieved through professionalism and dedication, I hope too maintain these throughout my career as a photography. I believe it too be vital to never stop learning, this is what sets you apart from the others. 

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