Sunday 8 December 2013

Contacting Companies

One of my personal developments was to contact different companies which produce work or have work in the same line of subject matter I am interested in. I had the opportunity to speak to Moira about this subject and she gave me some ideas of who I should be contacting, for example, she mentioned the Army, Charities, newspapers and television channels such as Discovery. The profession I want to get into is War photography, hence the before contacts.


My main choice too contact would be the Army, therefore I started to research into whether or not they take on photographers from outside the Army. I researched into the Army website too find this -

This is giving a chance for the public too witness what the Army is like from the soldiers point of view

- "Opening the display at the National Army Museum was Dan Snow, broadcaster and Honorary Colonel of the Army’s Media Operations Group.
He said: “These professional and amateur pictures capture elements of Army life that we just don’t see otherwise, and it’s a reminder that excellence on operations is not only about the frontline, but also about the individual, the bond between soldiers, the training and hard work, and also the lighter side of life. It’s great that the Army this year are able to put these images on display for the public for the first time." 
Whether or not photographers can contact the Army and work with them is too be seen, the photograph's on the Army website however appear too be from the soldiers themselves. Perhaps I need to take another route into contacting too gain what I need. 

Newspaper journalists and photographers seem too be the most efficient way of getting a job as a "War Photographer". Many of the major newspaper companies cover war stricken areas such as Iraq and recently in Syria. Contacting one of these big companies could be the start I need too photographing war zones. One of the many ways photographers become recognised from newspapers are from being a freelance photographer. 

Professional photographers enter countries in war and photograph the events that unfold, then sell there work too newspapers. This is a route I have been contemplating for a long time now, whether I could do it off my own back is yet too be seen. From selling work too newspapers, the newspapers then may give you the opportunity too work for them full-time. This is what I am aiming for with my career. 

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