Sunday 8 December 2013

My Stock Photography

For the project we were asked to photograph our personal development in stock photography format. I kept the images as simple as possible, just with the basic meaning of the image showing. I have never had the opportunity to do stock photography before, it was an eye opener of what is classed as stock imagery.

Enter more competitions

Editing different work using Photoshop/Premiere Pro 

Contact a range of companies in the line of work i'm interested in (War Photography) 

All of these personal developments are things I can do from my own home and are things that I must keep up to date on too succeed in them. The only development which may be a struggle to learn properly on my own is the Photoshop elements and Premiere Pro, these are things I may need to get extra lesson's in or use online tutorials. 
Stock photography is something I am not particularly interested in, but I can see how it helps people explain the basic's through a photograph. We were given various websites to visit in relation too stock photography, one being Alamy. I have also researched others in a previous post. 

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