Wednesday 11 December 2013


One of my many weaknesses in photography and through life is motivation. I sometimes struggle to control myself when it comes to work and doing simple things in day to day life. It has recently dawned on me that photography may not be something I want to do after University, this isn't because of my lack of love for the art but because of materialistic things such as money. I understand that money isn't everything in life, but it is sadly a vital part of it. As I keep mentioning different photographers have talked to us about working as a photographer and its disadvantages, which has, to put into words, 'put me off' basing my career around photography. Photography has been and always will be an art that is close to me, as I have been photographing for many years now, Therefore I have decided to take the opportunity given from the assignment to use 'motivation' as one of my developments.

As you can probably tell by now, I aspire to become a documentary/war photographer. To get my mind back on track, I thought it suitable to discuss the photographers that made me want to become a photographer and the people that keep me motivated.

James Nachtwey. James Nachtwey is an American photojournalist and war photographer. Ever since I watched a film about Nachtwey (War Photographer) it has inspired me too want to travel the world and document the misfortunes of others who can not tell their own story. There is a quote that I hold close which says ""I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated." - James Nachtwey. Ever since reading this quote it has encouraged me to use my skills as a photographer to speak for those who can't. As you may be able to tell from my own work, I too photograph dark subject's to create disbelieve and shock to the viewer. This isn't to make the viewers uncomfortable but to show them what is infront of there faces everyday without recognition. 

I never really planned on using 'motivation' as one of my final developments, but now I come to think of it, it seems to be a perfect example of a development which I truly need to work on. Maybe it is something I need to overcome on my own, to get in the right frame of mind of what I want to do in the future. One thing is for certain, If I do decided not to carry on my photography career, I will continue photographing for the rest of my life, as it is how I communicate with people, through my images. 

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